Club Elite UK

The foundation of Club Elite UK can be traced back to a short notice placed in Motor Sport in May or June 1969 by Bill Hoad who lived in Cockermouth in the Lake District. This note suggested a possible meeting of Elite Owners at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone in July of that year. The result of this note was that some twenty owners turned up an met in a very pleasant parking area close to the track. After this first meeting all those present went to the The Green Man, a pub just a mile or so from the circuit and stayed until late.
At the pub there was much chat with a final outcome that Michael Taverner and his wife Susan volunteered that they would take on the task of trying to get a club/register started. Bill Hoad, the author of the original note, was unable to take things forward and faded from the scene. It is thought that he ever attended another meeting.
The next meeting was at Brands Hatch on 25th October 1969 with 14 cars attending and so ended the starting year of Club Elite which has now been running for over 45 years.