Club Elite North America

Founded by Bill and Barbara Hutton in 1971, Club Elite North America existed for many years as a dues-based, paper-newsletter-based group of Elite owners and enhusiasts who held regular meetings around the USA.
Throughout the 1970's, 80's and 90's, he club evolved under several Secretaries (Bill Hutton, Dennis Ortenburger, Mike Ostrov), guest editors, and club names (Club Elite USA, Club Elite). During that time, Mike Ostrov created the Lotus Elite World Register to keep track of Elites and owners. A similar Register was created by Club Elite UK.
Closer colloboration between Club Elite North America and Club Elite UK resulted in the in sharing of Elite World Register data of Elite owners and technical information between Elite owners. In the early-1990's, the two clubs collaborated on a combined publications called the Club Elite International Newsletter.
By the late-1990's, however, the Club Elite North America membership was dwindling and newsletters published only sporatically.
In 2005, Greg Paris, as Editor, and Mike Ostrov, continuing his long-time role as Secretary, converted the club to the no-dues, fully digital Club Elite. Membership was open to all Elite owners, former owners, and Elite VIPs throughout the world. The Lotus Elite World Register was converted to a fully digital format and the electronic-only Club Elite Newsletter launched. Closer collobration with David Blacklidge (Club Elite UK Registrar) and John Mead (Club Elite UK Chair) also resulted in more updatees to the Register and international sharing of Elite information.
After Greg Paris passed away in 2011 and Don Christopher became Editor and lanuched this web site.
Now in its 41st year, the club continues as Club Elite, an electronic-only member-generated quarterly newsletter with over 800 international subscribers. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Newsletter back issues available in Club Elite North America Newsletter and Club Elite International Newsletter.